Monday, June 14, 2010

In and around Taubate

A view over part of Taubate to the mountains in the distance. A great escape in summer when the heat and humidity become unbearable in the valley.

A cow's eye view over the valley floor and towards Taubate

June is "no cloud month"

Time for an epiphany

Bamboo is prolific in the North Atlantic Rain Forest that covers much of the central east coast of Brazil especially between Rio and Sao Paulo.

Many isolated and pristine beaches along the coast

Churches a plenty

The local "martial art" is called Capoeira and was developed by slaves during the 16th Century more as a dance so as to hide it's true potential as a formidable method of self defence. Always a circle and accompanied by various musical instruments. Break dancers can thank these guys for some of their moves. Cartwheels can be deadly!

Motor Racing is almost as big as football in Brazil and even gets broadcast in the nightclub. Presume the band don't mind...

Intrepid explorer


Wetland with Cassiane

May day celebrations in the carnival arena

Wacky tree growths

Wacky tree

Many VWs still here - vans and beetles.

Market in full swing

Evening in full swing

Booze is cheap and plentiful

Regular parties (always involving a BBQ!!)

And the odd mexican night when the drunks come out. Well one drunk anyway.

More wildlife...

Guinea pigs...

Snakes in jars..

The ants, of the leaf cutter variety, are always on the move.

The horse and cart is a common sight.

Beach dweller

The reptilian addition to the local firewater, cachasa, doesn't add much to the flavour but if the mexicans can put a worm in bottles of mescal why not go one better?

A band from the UK on tour in South America playing 80's favourites. Didn't stay long.

House compilation for all you budding architects. A stark contrast to the way the majority of Brazilians live.

Another house

A green house

A prim and proper house

Two houses !

Farewell drinks for my colleague Matt returning to the UK. My turn in a week.

A very lively band.

And as I begin to pack my bags Brasil is being swept up in World Cup fever.

Adeus de Brasil - Goodbye from Brazil.
A beautiful country where I only met friendly and generous people.
Some treasured memories.

:) x

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